St. Theresa Catholic School in Austin was recently named a 2023 National Blue Ribbon School, a highly esteemed designation bestowed by the U.S. Department of Education and a prestigious honor for private and public schools alike. St. Theresa was one of only 40 non-public schools in the U.S. to receive this year’s award and is also the only school in Austin to do so. “We are proud to have achieved this accomplishment, which is an honor and shows the tremendous effort from our whole school community,” said Principal Brian Wheeler. “It also serves as a reminder for us to continually meet the raised bar we’ve set and stay focused on maintaining excellence.”
How do you bring the Eucharistic Revival to middle school students? While parish youth groups often attend retreats and diocesan gatherings during the summer, many Catholic school students depend on their Catholic schools for their faith formation. Therefore, I envisioned a diocesan gathering of youth from the Catholic schools. This vision became a reality last October when the Diocese of Austin brought its middle schools together for a Eucharistic Rally. Eleven Catholic schools participated in the day with over 600 young people gathered in prayer and fellowship.
Editora: Obispo Vásquez, recientemente celebramos la Semana de las Escuelas Católicas, del 28 de enero al 3 de febrero ¿Por qué son importantes las escuelas Católicas para la Diócesis de Austin? Obispo Vásquez: La educación Católica es un Tesoro para nuestra Iglesia ya que forma a nuestros jóvenes en la fe y provee de una excelente educación. A través de nuestras escuelas Católicas, formamos a toda la persona –cuerpo, corazón, mente y espíritu – y preparamos a nuestros jóvenes para servir a Dios y a los demás.
Editor: Bishop Vásquez, we recently celebrated Catholic Schools Week from Jan. 28 to Feb. 3. Why are Catholic schools important to the Diocese of Austin? Bishop Vásquez: Catholic education is a treasure for our Church as it forms our young people in the faith and provides an excellent education. Through our Catholic schools, we form the whole person – body, heart, mind and spirit – and prepare our young people to serve God and others.