FR. MARK HAMLET AND MR. ROBERT LEGROS ARE PRESENTING “HOPE FOR THE FUTURE: PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM WITH PARISHES” AT NCEA 2022 CONVENTION IN NEW ORLEANS “Hope for the Future: Partnership Program with Parishes” is one of more than 150 informative and inspiring sessions that will strengthen the commitment of Catholic school educators to their ministry.
Austin, TX — Fr. Mark Hamlet, Pastor of Sacred Heart Catholic Church and Mr. Robert LeGros, Principal of Cathedral School of Saint Mary in Austin, will join Catholic school teachers and leaders from around the country and the world at theNational Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) 2022 Convention in New Orleans, April 19 – 21.
Fr. Mark and Robert were selected as NCEA Convention 2022 presenters from hundreds of proposals submitted by educators in 91 dioceses throughout the country.
“As Catholic educators, we are called to serve all God's children, even those who find it difficult to access a Catholic education. Our session is relevant to the current landscape in education because we are called to bring all children closer to Jesus, and Catholic schools are perfect places to foster this relationship,” said Mr. Robert LeGros.
After using the model that will be presented in their session, in partnership with a parish without a school, “enrollment doubled within three years” added Robert.
The presenters hope to instill in participants a sense of enthusiasm, but also urgency that we all have a responsibility to educate and form God’s children. “My hope is that participants will leave our presentation on fire to serve God's children who are not yet in a Catholic school,” said Fr. Mark.
NCEA 2022 Convention will bring together Catholic school educators to learn from experts in the field, collaborate with peers and return to school with actionable insights. This year's in-person and virtual event includes live and on-demand sessions across relevant topics in Catholic education: Data Literacy, Mission and Catholic Identity, Governance and Leadership, Curriculum and Instruction, Serving All Students, and Operational Vitality. Registration is open: Register
CONTACT Fr. Mark Hamlet, Pastor of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Austin, [email protected] Mr. Robert LeGros, Principal of Cathedral School of Saint Mary, Austin, [email protected]